Learn to Play!
Be part of our fun, educationally rewarding & engaging music lessons
Guitar Lessons
Need to start from scratch, or an established guitarist pushing to the next level?– we’ve got tutors that can help.
Piano Lessons
Our piano & keyboard lessons have the option of graded exams if you wish. Study a contemporary syllabus or take a more classical approach.
Drum Lessons
Our experienced drum tutors help to customise your lessons to best suit you, and we have lots of options for both adults and children.
Singing Lessons
From singing your first note to adding advanced skills– we’ve got tutors that can give you confidence & move you to the next level.
Saxophone Lessons
Saxophone students that need to play their first note, through to established musicians looking for new skills
Bass Guitar Lessons
Learning a first bassline through to a gigging bassist pushing to new techniques?– we’re ready to help.
Ukulele Lessons
Our friendly uke tutors help to play this super-portable instrument, and we have lots of options for both adults and children.
Love to shop
Carefully selected instruments and accessories. Lets find something you love